Two animated 3D loot box designs for the game Couch Heroes, in common and rare versions
Product renders for Renga
3D artpiece created from scratch as a celebratory piece for all Apesthetics holders. This piece was sent out to all Apesthetics NFT holders at the time as a thank you.
A Metafactory-wide collaboration where I got to create and art direct this scene.
Animation is for the M70 garment which was a limited edition physical piece sold for $ROBOT and sold at EthDenver
This animation was also displayed at EthDenver
Animated cases for Metafactory's NFT werables.
Luxury apparel for your Loot Bags. Burn the NFT to redeem a physical bag of 1/1 handcrafted apparel embroidered with the gear in your Loot Bag + a 3D metaverse wearable NFT. Synthetic or OG Loot. Hand crafted in Berlin.
3D recreation of the Connext logo for a potential product design.
Product renders & design touchups made for a GCG exclusive merch drop.
Album artwork created for RŮDE
BAYC & MAYC exclusive drop of two variant tees via Metafactory's $ROBOT token.
3D recreation of a design concept for Boson